Since it was founded in 1905, Rotary has grown into a global network of people of action who are committed to sustainable change across seven areas of focus. Through the creation of on-going, community-based projects, Rotary clubs across the globe support peace, fight disease, provide clean water, sanitation and hygiene, save mothers and children, support education, grow local economies and protect the environment.
Today Rotary is made up of three interlinked entities: Rotary clubs, Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation. While clubs make grassroots changes within their communities, Rotary International supports these efforts through the coordination of global collaboration while the Rotary Foundation helps to fund club projects and global initiatives.
Originally founded in 1917 by Rotary International’s sixth president, Arch Klumf, as an endowment to do good, the Rotary Foundation, since its inception, has spent over $4 million’s worth on sustainable projects that help people all over the world. These donations are made on a voluntary basis by Rotarians, friends of Rotary and those wanting to do good in the world. Using the skills, passion and talents of 1.4 million members in over 46 000 clubs, Rotary’s vision to see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves – can be realised.